
As a creative professional, I like to keep busy with a lot of different things. My main areas are in Photo and Television but I also do Video work and even some light Graphic Design. On this website I have gathered some of my favorite work that I believe represent me as a creative professional. I hope that you like what you see and that you want to hire me for your creative needs.
Photography: As a photographer I like to use my creativity to capture images other people wouldn't notice. I can help you with everything from event-photography to portraits, or why not some great photos of our best friends, your pets.
Television: Sometimes, working alone isn't enough. I do some of my very best work together in a team. With a wide experience working with productions of all scales, I know that I can help you out in your next production.
Video: With a great passion for moving images and an eye specialized in quality I know how to make the best looking video for you.
"I always strive to do my absolute best to make the production you want. No matter in which field or what subject is in focus."

Feel free to contact me with your needs and I'll get back as soon as possible.
”Adam har under flera år med känsla dokumenterat våra arrangemang. Alltid punktlig och lojal arbetsuppgiften. Med Adams foton har vi fått många värdefulla minnen förevigade.”
"Adam has with a sense of feeling, documented our arrangements. Always punctual and loyal to the task. With Adams photos, we've perpetuated many priceless memories."
Caroline Troedsson, co-founder Doc Lounge Helsingborg
”Adam arbetar lugnt och metodiskt och har blick för bra bildkompositioner. Jag är mycket nöjd med mina författarporträtt.”
"Adam works calmly and methodically and has an eye for good compositions. I am very satisfied with my author portraits."
Ewa Broberg, author & Publisher Marwa Förlag
"Adam är punktlig, noggrann och levererar alltid på avtalad tid. Han är lyhörd för instruktioner och har en god känsla för att fånga rummet."
"Adam is punctual, painstaking and always delivers on time. He is responsive for instructions and has a good feeling for capturing the room."
Katarina Emgård, Project Manager Doc Lounge Helsingborg
List of happy klients and collaborators:
Helsingborgs IF. Dreamhack. Malmö fritidsförvaltning. Fremlab AB. Sveriges Television (SVT). Melodifestivalen. Marwa Förlag. Project Management Institute Sweden (PMI Sweden). Passion For Projects. Doc Lounge Helsingborg. Caroline Troedsson. Ola Selmén. Nic Schröder. Torbjörn Dencker. Alltid Fullsatt. Nicklas Lydeen. Ljud och Bildskolan Helsingborg (LBS). Snabbmedia. Nyårssaluten. Ewa Broberg. Helsingborgs Scoutkår and many more private individuals.
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